How it all started...
Friendship’s heritage is part of a "back to the Bible" effort called the Restoration Movement that began in the 19th century. The pioneers of this movement sought the unity of all Christians into a single body patterned after the church of the New Testament.
Among other things, they were united in the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; that Christians should celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first day of each week; and that baptism of adult believers was necessary by immersion in water. Because the founders wanted to abandon all denominational labels, they used biblical names for the followers of Jesus. They believed that creeds kept Christianity divided.
Among other things, they were united in the belief that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; that Christians should celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first day of each week; and that baptism of adult believers was necessary by immersion in water. Because the founders wanted to abandon all denominational labels, they used biblical names for the followers of Jesus. They believed that creeds kept Christianity divided.
Site of the Cane Ridge Restoration Revival 1801

Expanding the vision...
Friendship Church of Christ was establish in 2006 when a Seventh Day Adventist Church graciously shared their building with us on highway 305. The Lord blessed us and we moved into our current building in Feb 2008.
We continue to seek the unity with other Christians that Jesus prayed for in John 17:20-21; we immerse repentant believers (Acts 2:38); and we observe the Lord’s supper weekly (Acts 20:7).
Where the Bible speaks, we speak; where the Bible is silent, we are silent. In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, love! No creed but Christ, no book but the Bible. We are not the only Christians, but we are Christians only.
Where we are headed...
The vision of Friendship is to be a Christ-led, Spirit-powered community of believers glorifying God while witnessing to the world around us . As we create a kingdom community of authentic believers we pray that God will use us to witness a city transformed by the life changing reality of the gospel, as people come to know Jesus as their lord and savior.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 9:30 am for Bible Class and 10:30 am for Worship.