Fire or Ice?
on June 30th, 2023
One of my favorite poems by Robert Frost (and there are several!) is called “Fire and Ice.”  It’s short enough to quote in its entirety for this article, so here it is:  Read More
Are We ALL Supposed to Tell Others About Jesus?
on June 13th, 2023
Most of us are clearly aware of what we don’t feel competent in, skilled in or comfortable with.  When put in situations where we are exposed in these areas, we get anxious...  Read More
on May 23rd, 2023
The world, today, is so confused on what truth really is. Much of the world believes that truth is whatever is needed to support their ideas, agendas and desires. Much of science has become an art, the art of calling theories (presumptions) facts.  Read More
I'm Just Sayin'
on May 11th, 2023
The other day, I listened to two high school students debating an issue.  In a countering statement, Student #1 became fairly bold (bordering on caustic, perhaps).  Seeing Student #2 frown and turn red in the face, Student #1 threw his hands to each side, shrugged his shoulders, and backpedaled with the statement, “I’m just sayin’.” The bell had rung, so I called class to order, and their conversa...  Read More
Walking with God
on May 1st, 2023
The book of Genesis tells us that in the very beginning, before sin, Adam & Eve would walk with God through the garden. Walking with God in the quiet of the garden gave them a chance to talk things over with their creator. What if you could have that same experience...  Read More
It's Time to Slow Down
on April 21st, 2023
We live in a society that is non-stop. Life seems to be moving at a faster pace now than ever before. From family responsibilities, raising children, careers, social engagements, church meetings and activities, sports, household chores, and management, we have so many things that require our attention and keep us busy.  Read More
on April 1st, 2023
What a privilege to come together and all enter His presence corporately.  I have the privilege of leading our praise and worship time, most of the time.  What an honor it is.  I want to spend some time in this piece discussing our worship time.  Read More
Giving It All Up
on March 18th, 2023
I want you to ask yourself a question. What are you willing to give up to follow Christ? What is the easiest thing to give up, and what would be the hardest thing to give up? In our country today, we are so tied to “stuff” and “happenings” and “people”. Even when we are at our most spiritual, the things of this life continue to tug at us,   Read More
Tasting and Seeing the Lord's Goodness
on March 11th, 2023
Two weeks ago, my friends and I went to Wilmore, Kentucky to be witnesses and partakers at the revival at Asbury College. Since I have been back, many people have asked how it was, but words truly cannot describe what we experienced, being in a place with so many races, nations, tongues, generations, and denominations all praising God in unison. The greatest glimpse of heaven...  Read More
A Tale of Two Sisters
on March 4th, 2023
Lizzy was introverted, almost reclusive. A young woman in her twenties, Lizzy still lived at home and, in fact, rarely left the house, except to pick up some grocery items or go to church with her family. Her parents reluctantly allowed her to leave school as an adolescent because the...  Read More
Deep Water Faith
on February 25th, 2023
Even though we may be faithful Christians, that does not mean that we will not face challenges & struggles in our lifetime.   God will allow us to face challenges, yes allow, because...  Read More
Dwelling in the Lord
on February 17th, 2023
David writes in Psalm 27 that his only request from the Lord is to dwell in His house, and to gaze on His beauty. I love this! The desire for the Lord and passion that David expresses in this passage is humbling and convicting to me in my own life...  Read More