Faith of our Fathers

by Janet Honeycutt

I don’t remember a lot about my paternal grandfather. He passed away when I was only 6 years old, yet his gentleness and playfulness are still very vivid in my mind today. The stories passed down through the years tell of a man full of laughter & mirth, and of great faithfulness to his God...the anchor from which my christian heritage derives.  

“Papa” was a preacher during the time when preachers received their pay in the form of food, farm animals, or a percentage of whatever was placed in the collection plate on Sunday morning.   As told by all 10 of his children, his one sticking point was that he had to be in the pulpit by 11:00 am sharp every Sunday morning.

It was during the 1930s, the great depression era, when the collection plate had been pretty slim for several months that my grandmother looked to my grandfather one Sunday afternoon and asked “Papa, what are we going to do?” My grandfather’s answer to that one question has resonated with me ever since I first heard the story. “Well, mama” he said, “I guess we’re just gonna have to give more”.

Now what may seem to be a comical answer, would have indeed been said with laughter, but with the laughter of peace & joy that comes from fully trusting in God. And, I have learned a great deal from this one funny yet profound statement, which has stuck with me throughout the years.

I have learned that when I put God first, I don’t have to worry about anything else. For I can do nothing without God, and all things through him (Philippians 4:12-13). I’ve learned that our God is a powerful God, who created and controls all things, yet he loves and cares for even the smallest thing happening in my life (Psalm 62:11). I’ve learned that God always makes time for me, and when I turn and lean on Him, He delights and showers me with comfort, peace & blessings (Jeremiah 29:11-12). I’ve learned that today’s junkyards are full of this world’s material possessions, long wasting away; yet the most valuable thing we can pass on to our children is our faith in God.

My grandfather passed away October 11,1964; yet he was not afraid of death, for in this too, he fully trusted God. His only desire was that when his time came, he would go home on a Lord’s day.  Papa got his wish, for he passed away on an October Sunday morning at exactly 11:00 a.m., sharp.  (Perhaps God wanted to give tribute to a covenant long established).   Gone, but not forgotten - Papa’s faith still carries on through his children, and their children…and throughout the many generations that followed.

May we too, individually and as His church, fully put our trust in God and in doing so, build a strong heritage & legacy for our children and the generations that follow.


Todd Tunnell - January 19th, 2023 at 5:37pm

What a lovely, sentiment, Janet. Our heritage is something we cherish, the older we get! I loved your thoughts. I would love to have sat on a porch and visited with “Papa.”

Paula Carpenter - January 21st, 2023 at 11:35pm

Awesome memory Janet. Thankful that his legacy lives on in you and your family. Thankful for ALL that you do for His kingdom. You are a wonderful example to me.